Monday, October 15, 2012

Breaking the cycle

They say it takes 21 days to make or break a habit.[its possible i made that up]

I was without internet for 64.

Never have i ever known what breaking an addiction feels like, but I imagine it feels a lot like quitting the internet cold turkey for 64 days & good gravy it feels super warm & cuddly to have the world at my finger tips again.

What's the weather going to be like tomorrow? 
I know!

Who was the guy in that movie? 
I know that too!!

What is the point of fantasy football? There's totally not one!

[Just kidding! its so The League can exist]

Regardless, i must say it did feel a teensy bit nice to be free of the burden of Facebook, Email, Pinterest, Blog, Hulu, Netflix, Youtube, Google...etcetera etcetera...(internet loop - see Portlandia)

Nonetheless, here we are again.

[you guys remember that from middle school?!]

Problem is, i've stopped trying to actively come up with blog ideas & the only 2 passionate somewhat-blog-worthy thoughts i've had in the last 64 days are:

1. Football is a stupid sport

2. Politics is a stupid sport

And neither of those two things are really solid enough ideas [for me] to make a blog posting about.
[well actually, they totally are but i have a feeling they'd end up being too serious & not funny enough]

So stay tuned, I'll get my internet addiction back to be sure & you guys will be peeing in your pants again before you know it. 

[you're welcome for not posting a picture of someone peeing in their pants].

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